Woohoo, you've made it to Step One of the tryout process!
Before we go any further, make sure you've read the 2015 Tryout Packet and that you have a pretty good feel for what MMT is all about. There's also a great FAQ section on the Join page that might answer some of your immediate questions.
If you missed the Informational Meeting on September 1st, please review the presentation here.
Complete parts A and B of Step One below and then get working on memorizing your opening (Step Two) and developing your character (Step Three). If you're lost, then you need to take a closer look at the tryout packet.
Once you've finished steps two and three, we look forward to seeing you today, September 2nd, in 1035 FSB for your tryout (Step Four)! Remember, you must show up on time or you risk losing your tryout spot.
And if you have any additional questions, text Alex Block at (XXX) XXX-XXXX. We want to get them answered right away!
Click the button below to sign up for a tryout slot. We ask that, if possible, you sign up for the earliest available time.
B) Answer a few q's
Tell us a little about who you are and what you've done.