Ready to join us?
This is all you need to know about joining the Legacy.
You can catch us at any of the following events to learn what it takes to join and be successful in MMT:
August 26 - August 29 @ 9 - 5 PM, Armstrong and Harrison Info Tables - Meet some of our members during the first week of school at a table in the Armstrong Student Center or at Harrison Hall and sign up for an audition.
September 1st @11 AM - 2 PM, Megafair – Meet some of our members at our table and sign up for an audition.
September 1st @7 PM, Mocktails With The Mockers – Meet our members in FSB 1035 at this social event
September 2nd @7 PM, Information Session 1 - Meet the members and some of our coaches for a presentation and Q & A on everything from auditions to travel to tournaments. Held in Farmer 1035 (Labor Day)
September 3rd @5 PM, Information Session 2 - Meet the members and some of our coaches for a presentation and Q & A on everything from auditions to travel to tournaments. Held in Harrison Hall 012
September 4th, Tryouts – Tryouts will be held live at Harrison Hall room 111. Sign up here.
An Undisclosed Time – Successful auditioners will hear from the coaches about whether they are accepted into MMT.
September 9th @ 6:00 PM, First All-Program Practice – If you make it this far, you’re on the team. Welcome to the program!
Audition Process
MMT features an in person, 5-8 minute long audition process. Sign up here. Prospective members will be evaluated by a panel of our coaches. The audition will have two parts: a prepared witness and a speech. The witness archetypes will be sent the night before auditions. The prompt for the speech will be given at the live audition. For an in-depth description of what to expect from your audition, coaches Neal Schuett and Ben Sandlin have provided this audio. In this, they also explain what they look for when evaluating auditions.
Continue reading to learn more about MMT.

What is College Mock Trial?
Mock Trial is an intercollegiate competition among schools that are members of the American Mock Trial Association (AMTA), founded in 1985. Today, AMTA includes over 700 schools, colleges, and universities.
At the beginning of each year, AMTA provides a fictional legal case, complete with witness affidavits and applicable law. The case can be either criminal or civil, alternating each year. This variation gives students insights into two different fields of law. As with any lawsuit, there is a prosecution (or, in a civil case, a plaintiff) and a defense. Students from one school represent one side and compete against students from another school who present the opposing side. In competition, teams represent both the prosecution/plaintiff and defendant in successive rounds.
What does it take to join MMT?
MMT competitors are some of the best in the country. They are critical thinkers, problem solvers, and team players. They are talented orators, confident speakers, and advocates. But, most of all, MMT competitors are hard workers. They stay up late to read through the case for the thousandth time and they dedicate their college weekends to traveling the country to pretend to be attorneys and witnesses to crimes or events that never existed. If that sounds fun, this is the place for you. When done right, mock trial is exhausting. But those long hours with close friends are what ultimately makes MMT so rewarding.
If you are
a caring team player, and
an excellent public speaker
then MMT is for you.
And other common FAQs.
Is MMT a class or club?
MMT is a class with extra-curricular components. All MMT competitors receive two credit hours per semester, though Miami will cap you at six hours on your transcript, and are letter-graded. Competitors are graded on their attendance, performance, and a few graded assessments (though the assessments make up little of the grade). Analogically, the coaches are the “professors” and the competitors are the “students.” Coaches dictate program curriculum for first-year members, continued education for returning members, tournament attendance, which competitors fill the rosters on our various teams, and all strategic decisions to ensure the program’s success. And just like in a class, the coaches and competitors collaborate, problem-solve, and think together to find the best success for the program. After all, the program is only as successful as the students are invested.
What's it like to be in MMT?
We would be shocked to find any MMT alumnus who disagrees MMT was a defining portion of their Miami career. MMT is a second family. They are the people you travel the country with. They are the people you win and lose with. They are the people who will cheer loudest for your successes, pick you up from your losses, and fill all the space between with memories that last a lifetime - that’s how tight the Legacy binds you together.
How much does it cost to be in MMT?
We are thankful for the support we receive from our benefactors and donors, Miami University, and the Legacy. However, just like any other class, costs for materials are involved. Each student pays a one-time fee of $150 per semester for tournament registration, travel, and lodging. Each student also must pay what is necessary for proper costuming and grooming to appear courtroom-ready including suits, shoes, shirts, and ties. Competitors also must pay for meals when we travel. Incidental costs, such as gas while at a tournament, are also not included in the semester fee. Your dues do not pay coaches or anyone else; they are always recycled back into the program for you.
Let’s put this a little differently. For $150 per semester, plus food and costuming, you will receive: a lifetime of memories, free airfare, free lodging, no tournament registration fees, no AMTA fees, no fees at all for anything. We think this is the best deal on campus. When you join, you will, too.
For students who demonstrate a legitimate financial barrier to pay their semester dues, we offer payment plans and other assistance. Neal Schuett, our Director, holds conversations between him and students facing serious financial hardship in confidence and always works with students to sort out these issues. Nobody has ever been turned away from MMT because of money and nobody ever will.
How much of a time commitment is MMT?
MMT is a considerable time commitment and requires sacrifices.
Practices are Monday and Wednesday from 6:00 – 9:00 PM at minimum. No excuses are accepted for missing or being tardy to practice without prior coach consent or a legitimate academic reason. Extra-curricular, club, or social events are never excused.
Competitors are expected to prepare for practice. Practice without preparation is a waste of time. We recommend competitors prepare for at least three hours before each practice. Therefore, competitors can expect to, at a minimum spend twelve hours per week on mock trial. The most successful competitors spend more time than that.
We routinely host Saturday practices or practice trials we call “scrimmages” outside the Monday/Wednesday time slot. In these instances, we always work to find an agreeable schedule working around other commitments for everyone involved. When these occur, expect to spend an extra five to ten hours on mock trial that week.
When competition looms, practices increase. The week or two before competition, you can expect practices to run later into the night. Thus, you should expect more time committed to mock trial during the weeks leading up to and including tournaments.
Finally, in preparation for qualifying tournaments in the Spring, expect practices to ramp up significantly. The Legacy demands our success at all qualifying tournaments and the National Championship Tournament.
As you can see, the question “how much time does this take” gets a loaded response. The answer is always “it depends.” It depends on when the next tournament is, what our goals are at that tournament, and, ultimately, how good you want to be at this.
We routinely allow students to study abroad or take leaves of absence for similar University-sponsored events. Leaves of absence must be cleared by the entire coaching staff including an ultimate say by our Director. No student is guaranteed to return to a competing role following a leave of absence for any amount of time, even if for one night to meet with your friends for a night out to dinner when there are dozens of other competitors chomping at the bit to prove themselves in the role you leave behind.
Where will I travel?
That depends on what team you're on. All teams will compete at three to four tournaments a semester. All teams will compete at Regionals, the first qualifying tournament in the Spring. Not all competitors will compete at the second-tier qualifying tournament or the National Championship Tournament because AMTA restricts our rosters to ten students per team, and two teams maximum (assuming both teams qualify to each). In these scenarios, we routinely permit and encourage non-competing students to help the competing students prepare for the upcoming tournament.
Historically, we are invited to and attend tournaments in New York City, Washington, D.C., Chicago, Atlanta, Nashville, Iowa City (shoutout to Neal’s alma mater), Indianapolis, Louisville, Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati, and more. Click here to check out the tournament schedule for this fall semester!
What if I don’t make it?
We audition new members at the beginning of every fall semester. Our coaches are committed to accepting individuals they think will benefit the program. They routinely audition individuals who auditioned in the past but did not make the team. In short, don’t get down on yourself because you can always try again next year.
More Questions?
If you have more questions, be sure to take advantage of the following outlets:
· E-mail our director, Neal Schuett, here
· Slide into our DMs on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram at @MiamiMockTrial
· Find one of our flyers on campus
· Find us at MegaFair (September 3)
· Attend our information session before auditions (August 31 & September 5)

If you are ready to Join the Legacy, then what are you waiting for- take the next step towards joining the MMT family by reaching out and, if you are still in high school, make sure you’ve applied to Miami University. Click the buttons below.
You’ve scrolled this far, so we can’t help but think you’re pretty serious about joining the legacy. Here’s a little gift full of MMT insider knowledge and tips to consider when prepping for trying outs. Check it out and keep in touch!

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