Welcome Back!
In the mock trial world, few days are more exciting than the core of what makes mock, mock. Case release. The first tournament of the season. The National Championship Tournament. The preparation, camaraderie, and competition make us who we are.
Similarly, few days are as exciting in a Miamian's life as their first move-in and the first week of class. All of us -- from top to bottom (excluding Neal, our Director, an Iowa grad) -- experienced that fantastic feeling driving into Oxford for the first time with the intent to stay and wave our parents, guardians, friends, and whoever else helped us move into that twelve-by-twelve foot dorm room we called home goodbye. When they leave, and you're alone, it'll seem overwhelming. But soon, everyone learns that Oxford -- where fantastic students, professors, and organizations make up our college town surrounded by cornfields and ringing with the sounds of bell towers -- feels like home.
We hope that we, too, have helped that experience. We hope that, if you've been keeping up with the Blog as an incoming first-year, you know there are quality organizations at Miami that can bring you in and build you up with some of your best friends and fondest memories. We hope that you think MMT is one of those groups -- because it is.
For a select few of you students out there, first-years or otherwise, you'll be brought into the fold. Behind the curtain. Into the Matrix. You'll be a part of our organization and program. If you get the warm and fuzzies thinking about it, you're probably one of the people who will by vying for a position on the team. If you don't get the warm and fuzzies but still want to give it a go, then please do. The most important thoughts you can have are: leave no stone unturned; have no regrets; have the best Miami experience you could. If MMT is that for you, then we want you in MMT.
These next two weeks are the meat and potatoes of what we've been gearing up to for months. Over the next two weeks, MMT will grow in talent and numbers, and welcome some talented applicants into the program. Here's a quick list of our events and where you can find us:
On Social Media @MiamiMockTrial at all times. Literally, DM us and we will respond to you and answer any question you have.
Email us, MiamiMockTrial@gmail.com. We will get back to you about anything you need.
Online MegaFair, Sunday, August 23 starting at noon. We are starting our MegaFair booth an hour early to talk to as many of you as we can. Some of our coaches may even be available in our Zoom room to answer questions specific to auditions. We hope to see you there.
Information Sessions, Tuesday, August 25 at 6:00 and 8:00 PM. Talk with Emily and Ben, two of our coaches (via Zoom) about auditions. You must be on our mailing list here to receive the Zoom link! You'll learn specifics about MMT to make sure it's something you're interested in, what they're looking for in auditions, and all the details of the auditions process. It is strongly encouraged to attend one of these virtual Information Sessions if you are auditioning.
Video Speeches due by 5:00 PM on Friday, August 28. You will need to submit the video to the coaches via a Google Form we will post this week.
Callback Interviews, Sunday, August 30, time TBD. The lucky few who get called back will have an interview with the coaching staff on Sunday, August 30 to talk about the easiest topic ever -- the applicant.
First Practice with All New Members, Monday, August 31 at 6:00 PM. This is the day you've been waiting for. It's when you meet all of the current competitors and become a Mockhawk.
We are absolutely dead serious that you can always ask us questions. Use our DM's. Email us. Attend MegaFair and an Info Session. We want to talk to you so you know why MMT is the best organization you could be involved in at Miami.
If you're interested or want to get the Zoom link for the Information Sessions with Emily and Ben, head over here. Also follow us on our social media platforms @MiamiMockTrial.
If you're a first-year, your first week of classes go smoothly, and we look forward to seeing you on campus in the coming weeks. If you're an upperclassman, welcome back. To everyone, welcome home.
MMT after a win at ORCS